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Client was in an alleged DUI accident with multiple victims, including a child. Client was originally charged with a total of 39 charges including Felony Aggravated Assault While DUI, Homicide by Vehicle While DUI, Homicide by Vehicle, Involuntary Manslaughter and Recklessly Endangering. The Client elected to challenge her charges. Halfway through the trial, after the […]
Clients’ relative filed a false PFA against them in retaliation for an eviction. After a full hearing where the Shaw Law Group called various witnesses and was able to get the filer to admit she filed the PFA as retribution for the eviction, the Court dismissed the PFA. The Shaw Law Group expunged all mention […]
Client had a PFA Petition filed against her by her husband who abused the PFA Process to try to gain an advantage in custody court. Client had a high profile job and had to tell her employer the PFA had been filed. Her employer believed in her and stood by her. The Shaw Law Group […]
In 2018, Client was charged with Homicide and related offenses for an August 2018 stabbing death of a former roommate. Both Client and the former roommate had been residing with a woman they were both romatically involved with. On August 16, 2018, the roomate was kicked out of the apartment by the female. After a […]
The Client was charged with F3 Criminal Trespass. The Commonwealth claimed Clent unlawfully entered a camp. At the very first hearing, the Shaw Law Group negotiated a dismissal of the felony Criminal Trespass. Our Client pled guilty to M3 Loitering and Prowling for probation.
Claiming the Client lied on an application for a firearm, the Commonwealth charged the Client with F3 Firearm Ownership – Providing False Statement, and M3 False Statement under Penalty. At the very first hearing, the Shaw Law Group negotiated a dismissal of the Felony charge and the Client was sentenced to an M3 for probation.
Ask anyone. Losing is not our style. The Shaw Law Group has over 50 years of serious criminal law experience. Attorney William A. Shaw, Jr. and Attorney Stacy R. Parks both served as elected District Attorneys and have built thousands of successful criminal cases. Both have tried scores of cases to successful verdict. Both have defended clients in courtrooms across Central Pennsylvania. Both have vast experience in all types of cases including Homicide, Drug Crimes, Sex Crimes, DUI and other misdemeanors.
Our criminal defense lawyers bring decades of courtroom experience and insight, and we have the track record of success to prove it. Recent Successes We have secured acquittals overturned Homicide convictions and changed the law. We confidently handle the toughest cases and are always TRIAL READY. We know how to beat the system because we were the system.
A criminal conviction can destroy your reputation, your family and worst of all, take your freedom. Your choice of a criminal defense lawyer is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. You only get one chance to build a strong defense. Choosing the right firm can make all of the difference. At the Shaw Law Group, we are ready to fight for you.
Ask anyone. Losing is not our style. The Shaw Law Group has over 50 years of serious criminal law experience. Attorney William A. Shaw, Jr. and Attorney Stacy R. Parks both served as elected District Attorneys and have built thousands of successful criminal cases. Both have tried scores of cases to successful verdict. Both have defended clients in courtrooms across Central Pennsylvania. Both have vast experience in all types of cases including Homicide, Drug Crimes, Sex Crimes, DUI and other misdemeanors.
Our criminal defense lawyers bring decades of courtroom experience and insight, and we have the track record of success to prove it. Recent Successes We have secured acquittals, overturned Homicide convictions and changed the law. We confidently handle the toughest cases and are always TRIAL READY. We know how to beat the system because we were the system.
At the Shaw Law Group, we are ready to fight for you. A criminal conviction can destroy your reputation, your family and worst of all, take your freedom. Your choice of a criminal defense lawyer is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. You only get one chance to build a strong defense. Choosing the right firm can make all of the difference.
Managing Partner
Clearfield Office
We are aggressive, persuasive, and we thrive in the courtroom. We know the tricks and habits of the Commonwealth, and law enforcement inside and out. We know where to look for weaknesses, deception and legal errors in the case against you and more importantly, how to fight against it.
When you work with us, it’s personal. We hear your story and once we have the facts, we blend them with the law to build a powerful strategic defense. We do not accept losing, so you can be confident knowing that our team will do everything possible to build a well thought out defense strategy on your behalf. We do not back down from a fight. We aren’t quick to accept plea deals unless it is in your best interest.
We have practiced in courtrooms across Central Pennsylvania for decades. We know the landscape, the players and law enforcement in all of those counties, including but not limited to Clearfield, Centre, Elk, Cameron, Mifflin and Blair County. We are confident defending your rights in any setting. The Shaw Law Group is your best bet for a strong criminal defense.
We are aggressive, persuasive, and we thrive in the courtroom. We know the tricks and habits of the Commonwealth, and law enforcement inside and out. We know where to look for weaknesses, deception and legal errors in the case against you and more importantly, how to fight against it.
When you work with us, it’s personal. We hear your story and once we have the facts, we blend them with the law to build a powerful strategic defense. We do not accept losing, so you can be confident knowing that our team will do everything possible to build a well thought out defense strategy on your behalf. We do not back down from a fight. We aren’t quick to accept plea deals unless it is in your best interest.
We have practiced in courtrooms across Central Pennsylvania for decades. We know the landscape, the players and law enforcement in all of those counties, including but not limited to Clearfield, Centre, Elk, Cameron, Mifflin and Blair County. We are confident defending your rights in any setting. The Shaw Law Group is your best bet for a strong criminal defense.
For your best outcome, it is crucial you hire an experienced attorney as soon as you are aware you are being investigated. The Commonwealth is busy building their case against you. Start fighting back and preserving evidence now.
We fight for you knowing the outcome of your criminal matter will affect your life, your reputation, your freedom, your family and possibly, your job, your license, your income and your future.
For your best outcome, it is crucial you hire an experienced attorney as soon as you are aware you are being investigated. The Commonwealth is busy building their case against you. Start fighting back and preserving evidence now.
We fight for you knowing the outcome of your criminal matter will affect your life, your reputation, your freedom, your family and possibly, your job, your license, your income and your future.
(814) 762-0004
Client was charged with 4 felony counts of Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance, felony Conspiracy to Deliver a Controlled Substance, 3 counts…
Client was in an alleged DUI accident with multiple victims, including a child. Client was originally charged with a total of 39 charges including Felony…
Clients’ relative filed a false PFA against them in retaliation for an eviction. After a full hearing where the Shaw Law Group called various witnesses…
Client had a PFA Petition filed against her by her husband who abused the PFA Process to try to gain an advantage in custody court.…
In 2018, Client was charged with Homicide and related offenses for an August 2018 stabbing death of a former roommate. Both Client and the former…
Client was charged with F2 Burglary, F2 Solicitation to Commit Burglary, F3 Theft and summary Criminal Mischief. The Commonwealth claimed the client stole items from…
The Shaw Law Group has over 50 years of serious criminal law experience. They have built thousands of cases cumulatively. From misdemeanors to Homicide, they know how to beat the system because they were the system.
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